How to Flash a Chimney on a Metal Roof

A new metal roof has many benefits, including the ability to protect your home’s interior and exterior from the elements. However, you may not be familiar with the best way to properly flash a chimney on a metal roof. In this article, we’ll explain the process of flashing a chimney on a metal roof and provide you with some tips for doing it. Read on to learn more.
The first step in flashing a chimney on a metal roof is to measure the slope. The slope of a metal roof is measured as an inch of rise for every 12 inches of run. Using this measurement, you can determine the best way to install the cap flashing. You’ll need to cut and bend the flashing to fit snugly against one side of the chimney. Next, you’ll need to set the angle of the base.
When flashing a metal roof, make sure that the chimney is at a right angle. To do this, take measurements of the chimney from the front to the back. Then, measure the front and the back of the chimney and determine the slope. Once you’ve found the right slope, cut the flashing to fit it snugly and nail it to the roof. Then, set up a ladder with a safety harness.
The next step in flashing a chimney on a metal roof involves using a chimney flashing. This part of the project involves installing the ridge cap. Once you’ve made sure that the ridge cap is installed, you can install the base cap flashing. Then, you’ll need to install the prebent base flashing, which is a slender strip of metal that spans the front of the chimney.
The front cap flashing is a metal cap that fits snugly over the front of the chimney. The back cap flashing is attached to the back end of the chimney. The front cap flashing should be placed on the third mortar joint, which is the ridge of the chimney. The back cap should be attached to the roof using a chimney bracket. The rear caps should be secured by a metal shingle.
The sides of the chimney should be fitted with the prebent base flashing. This is the type of flashing that covers the top portion of the chimney. The front cap should be installed over the first cap flashing. Then, the back cap should be attached to the bottom side of the roof. The roof should be shaped to match the front cap. Afterward, the flashing should be installed over the saddle.